Visit the REN10 website to access a range of services and useful information to support young people and parents look after their mental health & wellbeing.
There is no right way or wrong way to grieve. Grief is a natural response to loss. That means, the emotional suffering you feel when someone you love is taken away. You may experience a whole range of emotions from anger to disbelief and sadness. It might even become difficult to eat, sleep and think straight. These are all normal reactions to loss.
Coping when we lose someone is one of life's challenges. There can be many different types of losses, such as, when a relationship between two adults in your life breaks down, divorce, the death of your pet, when someone you love has a serious illness or financial loss. What supports are available to you? In our school community there are a number of supports available for you at times like these - * Your family * Your friends * Your Guidance Teacher * Year Group DHT * Headteacher * Your class teachers * Mentors * School Chaplains * S6 Peer Supporters * Home Link * Don Bosco Websites that can offer you helpful advice are |