Allow your parents/guardians to read it so that they can discuss your options with you
Discuss courses further with subject teachers or other teachers in the department
Use the websites below to check entry requirements for further and higher education courses or for career paths that interest you
Ask for support from staff if you need it, subject teachers, guidance staff and the school's career coach will be on hand to help you with your choices
The forms above will show you the S4/5 option choices available.
Look carefully at each column and decide the subject and level of study that is apporpriate for you
Your final option choices will be collected via a Glow Form, the form above is to allow you to view the range of subjects offered in each column and discuss your option choices with your parents/carers
There is an expectation that all students will continue to study English into S5
All students should be trying to ensure that they progress to level 5 in Mathematics/Numeracy by the time they leave school
S4 pupils should select one subject from each column to study in S5
S5 pupils should select a minimum of four subjects to study in S6
Advanced Highers - if a student wishes to study an Advanced Higher in a subject that is not listed, this should be indicated on the form. The online form will give students the opprotunity to note this.
We have added new courses for S5/6 which start in August 2024. Click below for more information about each course.
Students in S4 & S5 can opt to study a course at West College Scotland in columns D & E. The courses offered varies from year to year, the courses listed below were offered this year. Please note that these courses are often oversubscribed therefore pupils will be required to complete an application form and attend an interview before securing a place.
To find out more about the courses offered at West College Scotland click on the button to view the course booklet.
If you need support in choosing your subjects don't hesitate to ask! You may need more information about a specific subject or you may wish to dicuss your choices with your guidance teacher. Please contact the relevant member of staff using the contact details below.