The 1st - 7th of November will mark this years dyslexia awareness week. In Support for Learning we have been doing a lot of work with pupils across the school to make sure we prompt dyslexia awareness. Our focus is to try and get pupils to identify themselves to classroom teachers or the pastoral care team if they feel like they may have dyslexia or are struggling with particular parts of the curriculum. We are particularly focusing on promoting this through Personal Learning which all S1-S3 pupils will take part in. Attached below is the PowerPoints we will be using, this will give all year groups a chance to participate in Dyslexia Awareness Week.
S2 & S3
Watch the video below to learn more about dyslexia.
Below are some useful links:
Check out our wonderful resources from the school library.
If you are currently unable to attend school you can still contact SFL to identify yourself if you think you may have dyslexia.