At St. Andrews Academy, pupils who select the Higher PE course are given the option on an activity to study the coursework through. The following course choice was offered this year:
Both courses run under the same basic outline 1. Factors Impacting Performance (F.I.P) 2. Performance Skills
The main coursework is taught through Factors Impacting Performance unit. This involves two theory lessons and two practical lessons a week, where pupils their understanding of the course is developed. Internal assessment outcomes are sat throughout the year to ensure pupils have sufficient knowledge to pass the course.
Pupils final marks are determined by: 1. One off Performance (60 Marks) 2. External Exam (40 Marks)
The One off Performance is broken down into three areas: Preparation booklet (8 Marks), One Off Performance (40 Marks), Evaluation Booklet (12 Marks). The Preparation and Evaluation booklets are carried before and after the one off performance. Pupils can choose an activity that they feel they will receive the most amount of marks on. The department recommends that an internal activity is chosen, but if a pupil has a significant strength in an external activity that may be used.
More information can be found at the SQA Higher PE page in the button below.