Enterprise in education is an excellent strategy to develop the enterprise and employability skills of our young people. It lies at the centre of curriculum for excellence and promotes a wide range of opportunities, including cross curricular work ,for our children and young people from 3-18 to become successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and effective contributors.
The four main areas of enterprise in education are: Enterprising learning and teaching Entrepreneurial learning Work based vocational learning Careers education.
Five inter-related themes are built around the main areas: Supporting the development of skills for life, skills for work Engaging employers Embedding enterprise in the curriculum Building capacity Enhancing our international profile.
Enterprising activities will be organised to reflect the age and interests of our pupils. The range of activities could include: Links and partnerships with businesses, colleges , schools abroad; Fundraising events organised and run by pupils; Fairtrade activities; Joint school and community initiatives; and Work experience placements and speakers.