careers service
Skills Development Scotland is Scotland’s careers service.
Our qualified Careers Advisers work in schools and our careers centres across the whole of Scotland.Throughout your time at school you’ll have to make some big decisions about your future, and that’s where Skills Development Scotland’s Careers Advisers come in. Denise Boffey and Amanda McGowan are based right here in the school to give you the careers support you need throughout your time with us. Through a combination of group sessions, one-to-one interviews and drop in clinics Denise and Amanda will help you understand how your personality, interests and values are key to making the right career decisions. They can also help you understand how to develop and use your talents and skills, explore where they could take you, and identify who can help you with your career journey. All to help you plan for and manage your career. Your SDS Careers Adviser will be there for you all through school, helping you get ready for what you’ll do when you leave. Some people think Careers Advisers are here to tell you what to do. Not true! And they won’t say ‘no’ or ‘you can’t’ either. They will help you to think about what’s best for your future. And they will be there when you need them to back you up while you figure it out. One of the main things your Careers Adviser will help you do is develop your Career Management Skills, which are the skills you’ll need to make your career a success. You’ll take part in groupwork sessions with your Careers Adviser, as well as having the chance of one-to-one time. They’re also available for drop-in sessions. SDS Careers Advisers will also be able to support your parents, carers and teachers when it comes to talking about careers. The work of SDS Careers Advisers is supported by our careers website My World of Work. The Careers Library contains a full range of up to date information on careers and Colleges of Further and Higher Education. This information is offered in booklet and leaflet form but is also easily accessible on the internet. This part of the library is used mainly by pupils from Third Year upwards particularly as part of the Social Education Programme. Second Year pupils are introduced to the materials in the Careers Library prior to Third Year Course Choice. It is expected that the library stock will be increased and that every department will make full use of the library and its resources. |
Career's CoachMrs Boffey is our Career's Coach, she is available for individual appointments and undertakes classroom visits to all pupils.
EmployabilityMrs Begg and Mrs Sloan are responsible for Employability and Work Experience. We offer pupils the opportunity to undertake a course on Employability to enhance their skills upon entering the workplace.
CareersMrs Holgan (PT Guidance) is the chair of our Career's Committee who are working on all aspects of Career's education.
Employment Opportunities![]() Please regularly check our School App for updates.
At you can search for apprenticeships, apply for apprenticeship jobs and find out more about the different levels of qualifications. |